Monday, June 14, 2010

Finals Week

Starting with "Finals Week" for my first blog could be looked at like starting at the end, but I like to look at it like a jumping off point. I can catch you up on what has been going on up until now and then we can go forward from here.

I have 5 main things in my life:

1. Family
2. School
3. Civil Air Patrol/Flying
4. Roblox
5. Planning My Future

I tried to put them in some kind of descending order, so I guess this order is in the amount of time I dedicate to each of these things. Some weeks this order is more accurate than others. Right now school is probably at the top of the list because I just finished FINALS WEEK!

I don't have my official grades yet, but here is a clip of my course averages:

Over 100% in some of my classes?* Getting the right grade is tricky. At the beginning of school I was nervous about how things were going to go so I did all the extra credit that I could. Then what? At the end of school should I start skipping assignments because I can? That didn't seem right, so that's how I ended up with grades over 100%.

I don't know why, but I feel like I should explain what happened to my Algebra grade. All I can say is that we got to linear equations and I choked. It could be because I never got any graph paper. I know I could have printed some out, which I did do a couple times when I was studying, but I forgot every time when I was taking the Algebra test. So part of every timed test, I spent drawing lines on the paper. That's okay if the numbers you are working with are small, like 3 and 4, but when you have numbers over 10, that takes a lot of time. My lesson learned from this? Be prepared? Think ahead? Remember stuff I tell myself I should do? It's a lesson I better learn quick because next year I'm taking Geometry!

I was hoping to take some classes this summer, but because of California's budget problems there is no free summer school this year. That detours me a little from #5, Planning My Future, because there are prerequisite classes I wanted to take this summer but classes cost around $200 and with needing money for Encampment too, I can't figure out how to put any more money together. So school is going to have to drop off the bottom of my list and Civil Air Patrol is going to move way up. Today is the last day of school and tomorrow I start trying to raise money for CAP Encampment which I will talk about in my next post.

*Thanks to my 4th/5th grade teacher Mrs. Fry for teaching me how to ask questions in my writing. I use it all the time! Is it a good technique? I definitely think so!

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