Thursday, June 17, 2010

CAP Journey (so far)

I joined CAP (Civil Air Patrol) about 7 months ago because I want to be a pilot. CAP is the civilian auxiliary of the United States Air Force. I'm learning a lot about flying but even more importantly I'm learning a lot about how to work hard toward my goals and how to be a good leader.

I've promoted 2 times since I joined from Cadet Airman Basic, to Cadet Airman and now I'm a Cadet Airman First Class. I'll be promoting to Cadet Senior Airman in July once I pass the Review Board. To promote you need to:

1. Pass a PT test
2. Study Aerospace Education and pass an Aerospace test
3. Study Leadership and pass a Leadership test
4. Pass a Review Board

I have also just become the Bravo Flight Element Leader. The Element Leader is responsible for the making sure the cadets in their flight are attending meetings, wearing their uniform properly and making sure the cadets are progressing through their education so they will be eligible to promote. If a cadet has a problem in any of those areas its my responsibilty to help work out a solution.

When I get a job in CAP I work as hard as I can at it. It wouldn't be a job if it didn't need to get done, so I do my best and learn all that I can from it. If you look here you'll find another story about how I am trying to learn all that I can in CAP. Overall I think it is a great experience. Since we learn and grow into leadershop roles within CAP, if you work hard, learn and promote, you become a stronger person with skills you can take with you whatever you end up doing in life.

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